Have you noticed Michael Dell in the news lately? This distraught PC maker is hopelessly trying to buyout his own company, while investors are fighting for ownership stepping all over each other heads in order to bite a big chunk. The latest addition is Carl Icahn, the billionaire Hedge Fund mogul whom I met once during the dinner party in the pearl of the Hamptons. The house where dinner was held, bested any palace, overlooking a private pond with a large boat and a helicopter ready to take off.
The host seated me next to Carl. I didn't have a clue who he was! I was separated from my party of six and ended up with strangers. It happened over two decades ago. I felt awkward and uncomfortable, except I'm at my best when thrown in the unknown waters. Carl and I barely touched our food, chatting for three straight hours. His former secretary and nowadays wife watched in horror as her man was engaged in a heated conversation. The subject was literature, history, philosophy and we juggled all three of them with ease back and force. When the gear shifted to sports, I found we both shared love for tennis! My friends where I stayed had a tennis court on their property, so Carl asked if we could play in the morning. I quickly agreed. To my dismay, my friends told me in the morning, that Gail, Carl's future wife spent the night in hysterics crying like a fish, and Carl was not coming for the game. Now hearing him jumping into the Dell buyout fray brought memories of an intellectual, soft spoken man, instead of a feared moneymaker machine I read about!
Years back I did a cartoon on Dell out of frustration. The screen often opened upside down, I replaced the hard drive with no results, batteries didn't last as promised, cords were falling out. The customer service is the worse in the world based in India.
As soon I transfer endless files to Mac, I'll get rid of this trash.
In today's New York Post article, I found a similar image that caught my eye next to the article on Dell. Instead of rats ornamenting the PC screen there were vultures.
It's not a first time Post is borrowing my ideas, but hey, imitation is the best way of flattery as they say!